Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 05/13/2015 – The Offspring’s Dexter and Noodles

Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 05/13/2015 – The Offspring’s Dexter and Noodles

A real time blog where Superfan Giovanni does recap and commentary on the show as it happens and opines on all things ACS

Guest The Offspring’s Dexter and Noodles

Recorded 05-12-2015 – Release Date 05-13-2015

Production Number #1574

Show Page

Adam opens the show to a reference to a song by ‘The Offspring’ and Adam thanks the fans for supporting his wife and Stefanie last night at their live For Crying Out Loud.

Adam is talking about his love for the band and a conversation with them about the Shrine Auditorium, Adam is telling them about the time he and Drew saw them rock the building nearly to destruction.

Gina says her high school experience is synonymous with ‘The Offspring’ and Adam is now sharing his answer regarding why he restores and celebrates the cars of Paul Newman.


Adam is explaining how you notice these intimate details of the place where Paul was doing the lion’s share of his living, much cooler than the chair Carol O’Conner sat in while taping ‘All in the Family’ and Gina has a funny line about leaving the studio to go find some Paul Newman shedding’s from Adam’s car.

Adam is back to the interview where he was asked the same question several times, Adam is joking about a documentary about manatees and how you can make a doc about anything you are interested in.

Gina asks if he was driving during the chat, Adam is now back to print interviews and how it’s a different beast than on camera.


Adam is now asking his mom’s drop if she would be a better interviewer than this person, Adam jokes about Dave Dameshek’s uncomfortable laugh in reply to his mom saying asking how she would know any trivia about his show.

Adam says he did find the memorial sticker in the back of the car, BB says that Adam is shifting gears and now Adam is explaining the “rolling memorials” found in Los Angeles and how it’s always for younger people.

Adam says he saw this one in Azusa, a man born in 1935 who made it to 2012 and Adam asks if he deserves a sticker for that above average life experience.


Adam is joking about “Unbaldino” and says he blames the wife in every situation, Adam jokes about the guy wearing a hoodie with the X-Men characters to a funeral at 50+ years old.

Adam says the wife should be putting her foot down, Adam jokes about how he would stop his wife from using a “world’s greatest mom” license plate frame.

Adam is talking about the guy in the studio, Shawn.

Adam says he did a show in a backyard and now Adam is telling them about a sagging drawer in his house and how he rubbed it in that he can fix things and his wife can’t give him free haircuts.

Adam shares how his wife burned him by mentioning the “Wrong closet story” from his time working for ABC Closets, Adam is explaining he was doing a standup set in the backyard for fundraising backer.


Adam is now doing a Draft Kings live read

Adam says this is mainly everyone else’s fault but his and he talks about the drunken couple who claimed to miss out on the BBQ event after supporting ‘Road Hard’ and now Adam is explaining the “We’re trying to make it right” element of fulfilling these rewards.

Adam says he tried to wrangle Caelan into helping them, Adam explains that a couple of donors who contributed are now joining him for lunch after not making the BBQ.


Caelan says that the couple are going to come and watch the podcast, they will not be dining together, and Adam will be dining with Shawn and Jared.

Adam says that Shawn’s wife bought him to perform in Shawn’s backyard, they showed up today for lunch and Adam showed him a funny picture of Adam playing his 40th birthday party a year ago.

Adam says he did that prior as his wife bought it for him because he’s such a huge fan, how cool!


They continue to joke about Mike August getting free food, Adam is spinning BB’s head with all of these backyard standup gigs.


Q and Ace

1st Caller John says his wife wants him to enter therapy after 8 years together, he’s telling them about the difficult year they went through and he calls therapy bullshit.

Adam says that women can use therapy in a pejorative way, not in a constructive way.

Gina has some wisdom and now Adam is telling him what he would do.

Adam is speaking for all women and their childlike wiring and how you can back off doing one thing to make them forget, Gina is not objecting to this as much as she presumed, she gets his point and now offers up some further wisdom about how therapy might benefit him.


Adam is telling him to go therapy or get his shit together, Adam is talking about Ray and his time spent in therapy with Adam’s dad it’s “losenado” lose/lose for everyone involved.

Adam is sharing how you can act as if and be happy even when exhausted.

Adam is now asking for Matt to bring a magazine in with Alyssa Milano that drove him nuts, Gina is sharing how therapy can help and she’s exactly right.


Adam says that someone animated his children’s book he riffed on the fly the other day on ACS #1562


Adam is doing a live read for Z Clip


They’re now watching the animated clip of Adam’s improv Children’s Book.

Adam tells everyone writing a children’s book to just kill themselves, Adam plugs his book and the “Dadda Stop Talking” drop along with some of Sonny’s drops too.

Adam is now sharing a glimpse into his world and takes it back to this “free ’ish” magazines.

Adam is on a “if you don’t want it, don’t bring it in the house” policy for not bringing junk indoors.


Adam is back to the Extraordinary Health Magazine and how his wife wanted to know what he was doing with it, he’s mocking the “most important role, mom!” fucked out headline.

Adam is talking about people who come into their own beauty wise, he’s saying that Alyssa Milano was destined to be a hot woman due to her facial structure when she was a child.

Adam says he knew, he knew!

“I knew where that training bra was going to end up” – Adam


BB is now floating his question/theory about acknowledging beauty in child actors who grew up to be gorgeous, Adam shares his early pledge for Natalie Portman after seeing ‘Leon: The Professional’ and how he wanted to imprison her and feed her pizza slices under a closet door.

BB wants Gary to cut that out despite the fact he’s brought it up on several other shows already.


2nd Caller Hayden, he wants Adam to bring Bill Simmons and his podcast over to Carolla Digital, which is a genius move and absolutely should be done, sure he can write for someone else, but he should bring his podcast to Ace, diversify!

Adam says they will work on that, Hayden says he’s been listening to the Classic Loveline podcast and wants to know how far in advance they knew he was going to leave.

CLL ##79 Rikki’s Last Show – 01/17/1996 Classic Loveline

Adam is now praising the movie ‘montage of Heck’ and how he saw Rikki Rachtman with his longhair in the early 90’s for ‘Head banger’s Ball’ and how Adam knew him during his rockabilly phase.


Adam is explaining that confirms his point about people reinventing themselves to force you to perceive them a certain way, ala Vanilla Ice becoming Fred Durst.

Adam is now sharing his conversation with Keven Weatherly about the 3 person hosting on Loveline, Adam told him that history will not be kind to the decision.

Adam says he used to say things like that all the time and mocks the time Trip Read tried to underpay him, he shares his demand for his fair share.


Adam is back to how difficult it was to work with Rikki and how they snuck off to do the pilot for MTV Loveline and how people should know where they stand.

Adam explains that what you know or feel doesn’t matter, the guy with the checkbook needs to know that.

Adam explains how Rikki got sidelined from the syndicated Loveline pilot and he explains how they didn’t want to rub it in his face and make it awkward he’s now referencing the infamous fax on Classic Loveline when Producer Ann tattled on Adam and Drew and took Rikki’s side.


Adam is describing the way Rikki baited them on air and asked them about their weekend activities, Adam and BB are now riffing simultaneous answers and Adam thanks Ann for turning Loveline into the 5ht grade.

Gina brings up the story of the time Steckler was punched by Rikki Rachtman, Adam says he was fine with him on a personal level and BB calls it a “two man show” and now Adam says he wasn’t there to steal anyone’s job, he knew the format and wanted to bring the funny.

BB has a funny line implying Adam was talking about his funny friend Jimmy, Adam acknowledges it and moves on.


Adam is doing a True Car Live Read.

Adam says the guys from The Offspring are waiting

They head to break


They’re back from break with Dexter making his 3rd appearance on the ACS and Noodles back for his 2nd, they’re both Classic Loveline veterans with many episodes under their belts.

ACS #79 (feat. Dexter Holland & Greg Fitzsimmons)


ACS #865 Dexter Holland, Noodles and Dave Dameshek available via the archive bundled with Take a Knee via the show page link above.

They play some of The Offspring’s latest single, it sounds great!


Adam is now reading off the facts about Dexter and his impressive life, he’s now reading the facts about Noodles and his color blindness and stabbing from a skinhead.

Adam says that Dexter’s facts sound like the bogus resume for a new boyfriend in a shitty romantic comedy, Adam is now praising them for their beautiful sweet spot for live music where it doesn’t turn into a wall of noise/energy, he says they have the hooks with the energy.

Noodles says he loves all of the bands he mentioned and now Adam is asking if they feel like many of the loud bands can blow themselves out while live.


Adam praises Offspring and Green day, Adam is now joking about being tighter with the System of a Down guys and how he was reintroduced to ‘Taboo II’ by John from the band.

Adam shares that he went to lunch with Dexter and he now travels in a custom van, Adam is trying to setup a smart guy competition once again, between Dexter and Greg from ‘Bad Religion’ and Dexter gets mixed up thinking Adam is still talking about piloting which Jay from BR is apparently getting into.


Dexter reminds him it’s Greg Graffin and Adam tells Noodles not to join BR, Adam is asking Dexter what he flew around the world and he tells them about flying around certain places and the cost of flying over certain airspaces.

Dexter says it makes you realize how small the world is and tells them about doing a continent a day in his citation, Adam asks him about the range, 1500 miles or so.

Adam is asking him about the route he took, he says he needed to avoid going over the oceans as much as possible, he shares how wanted to tiptoe around the Middle East and how it was speaking with Tehran control.


Adam is now asking if he knows who he is speaking with before straying into airspace, he tells them about accidently going over George Bush’s ranch once.

Dexter reveals he’s in between jets and Noodles jokes about his new bicycle, Adam is back to Dexter and his MIG training vehicle, he explains how they were refurbished and BB jokes about punk rock being very good to Dexter.

Dexter tells them they were using the original Russian engines and describes the type of wing which makes it easier to fly.


Adam is asking him if he had actual engine problems or just lost a plane in the divorce, he says both.

Adam is now back to the air races they do in Reno and how potentially dangerous they are, he says that anything on water or in the air is the most potentially dangerous forms of racing.

Adam is now talking about the military capsules that act as cockpits for modern drag boats.


Adam is now asking for the drag boat record, Gina brings up the stabbing and now they’re asking Noodles about the incident.

He tells them it was an early 1988 show for The Offspring, a benefit show.

Noodles tells them about getting stabbed in the arm with a knife and Adam ponders how many people have been stabbed at benefits, Adam is joking about the small snapshot of white guys trying to be tough guys on the street.


Adam says maybe Fonzie started it and then brings up the “chain flail” story from the original Galleria mall parking structure.

Adam is now joking about the drag boat record and how it’s in the pantheon of things your wife would be pissed about, drag boating is a hobby to piss off the Mrs.


Adam is doing a Legal Zoom live read


Gina’s News

1st Story is on the NFL suspension for Tom Brady, she has the details on the penalties and plays a clip of Tom discussing his trials with this recent suspension.

Adam asks why Tom was at this Q&A and Gina tells them about the GoFundMe page for the Patriots fine, Adam is now asking Gary to find out what the Patriots have won by in the last 4 super bowls.

Adam is describing their 3-4 point wins that might have been due to the extra edge they had, Adam is now joking about his nanny telling his kids about the lessons of life.


Adam says the Patriots have a pretty rich history of this, BB says the videotaping was outright chicanery and now Adam tells them about the time the Patriots got a guy to use a snow blower to clear them a path for their team to have an edge for a kick in an important game.

Adam is back to how players have been trying to get an edge since the beginning of time, Adam is now bringing up a play made famous by Dan Marino that is very close to outright cheating, and Adam is bringing up the legal play by the Rams last year where they faked a punt return.

Adam is now taking it to baseball and they’re playing the classic footage of the Patriots having the snow plowed for their team.


2nd Story is on the first woman to pilot an F-35 and Adam misidentifies the aircraft, Dexter doesn’t know about it and Adam is further mixing up the F-22 and F-35.

Adam is talking about the singular frame design for each branch that will be retrofitted for each fleet, Adam talks about how these aircraft will make their way to shitbag nations after we’re done with them.

Adam is asking about the reality of a Top Gun sequel/remake after one of the guys mentions it.


3rd Story is on Shaq’s ice cream truck driving and now they’re playing a clip of him giving out ice cream, Adam asks if he’s trying to give the nation diabetes and mocks his pineapple soda, ice cream and other food related causes.

Adam jokes about him being 7 feet tall and being able to distribute that sugar better than the kids he’s influencing with his Fruit Loops advertisements and now Adam is bringing up the depressing commercials about basic parenting.

Adam is now joking about the caloric content of Shaq Soda and says that the logo alone has 135.


Adam is now doing a Castrol live read

Adam jokes about Dexter not offering to pay for the tacos after flying them to lunch, Adam is back to the product and does a nice job with the spot.


Adam is now reading the sugar and caloric content, Gina has information about the sugar in coca cola, nice.


4th Story is on the North Las Vegas police chief claiming that the department helped erase underage porn from the Mayor’s phone.

Adam is now hoping for a clip they don’t have, Adam says it’s weird that now we live in a time where everything can be systemically substantiated and how humans still act like we’re in the 1970’s with “I don’t know about that” the old school bullshit mode.

Noodles suggests using the pharmaceutical defense and Adam is riffing about battling the modern surveillance era against the modern overmedicated era, Adam has a killer riff about crying for help with his cock out.


5th Story is on straight sided glasses to reduce drinking and explains the study behind the data, Adam is now explaining he has a glass at home that is schooner ’esque and he will pour it and be surprised it takes the whole bottle.

Adam says he will pour one while angrily answers tweets, Dexter plugs Mangria and Adam is saying that’s why he’s an A student and Noodles was stabbed.
“What’s that grey shit coming out of my shoulder” – Adam as colorblind Noodles

They all ask Noodles about his colorblindness and Gina wraps the news.


Adam is doing a Simply Safe live read
Adam wraps up with Dexter and Noodles, gives out the plugs and closes out the show, very strong appearance!