Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 08/24/2016 – The Adam and Dr. Drew Show 399

Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 08/24/2016 – The Adam and Dr. Drew Show 399

A real time blog where Superfan Giovanni does recap and commentary on the show as it happens and opines on all things ACS

The Adam and Dr. Drew Show

Guest – The Love Between The Two Hosts

Recorded 08-14-2016 – Release Date 08-24-2016

Production Number #399 – CBD Oil

Show Page

Adam opens the show with a strong “get it on” which Dr. Drew observes is exploding out of him, Adam is in full organization mode and he says the band leader must be present for organizing things.

Adam says the hardest thing for people to figure out is how to lay things out and put things away, it’s a form of an IQ test.

Drew talked about his shower this morning and how he was out of sequence for his normal shower procedure, he got thinking about Adam and his connections/reverse engineering of events and mechanical things.


Adam is talking about how he asks people to do things car related and then when they fuck it up he is given the excuse that someone is “not a car guy” and Adam says you needn’t ‘be one, you just need to be in problem solving mode.

Adam is now talking about the car auction and how they don’t give you times when cars are up for auction, they just give you lot numbers.

Adam is now going over auction blocks and how they setup the two nights for the auction lots, which leads to extra confusion.


Drew discovers that the AC is off and they head to calls.


1st Caller Jean, she’s calling about her daughter’s rare epilepsy and she wants to know about CDB oil, Dr. Drew says pure CDB is the required type and Gary is on mic and he briefs Drew on Nate Diaz vaping CDB oil in his post-fight press conference.

Dr. Drew is commenting on the effects and Gary has some great questions for him about what could be preventing the peer controlled studies he says don’t exist.

Adam is now asking Jean about her daughter’s condition and Drew says he doesn’t see any downside to this, he agrees it’s weird there are no good studies and you have to jump through so many hoops to get the stuff.


Blinds Galore

Adam did the bedroom light dial in, Adam just got back from his AirBnB edition

Adam says do things now, get them done, don’t wait on things that don’t wear out, Adam doesn’t’ recommend you buy Wagyu beef


Now they’re going over Fondiler’s math on the schedule he wrote up for Adam to attend, Drew has a funny reaction as Adam further reads of the times Matt jotted down for him.

Adam and Drew are speculating who Matt farmed this out to, Gary is being very diplomatic and says Matt has taken the full blame, they mention Dylan.

Adam asks Gary to use his math expertise to deconstruct the mistakes in the schedule, Adam says don’t get caught up in the car part or the building part, it’s a question of units, not the exact situation or material, count the units and do the basic math.

Adam is not a book guy, Drew’s smooth transition edition

Adam listening to audiobooks while being asphyxiated by Zorback in the back of his converted bus edition


Drew plugs his upcoming live show with Mike Catherwood


2nd Caller Alex, he is calling about his motor that he’s using to do donuts, Adam says if you have a motor in life you will find a slot that you fit in, he talks about having a path and compares his life to Drew’s and how he was miserable but he had a direction, a goal to aim for.

Adam talks about not indulging people in their pain or lamentation, he uses his dog Phil and its giant paws that leave marks and cause pain to share an example of Natalia being swiped by him and not steering into the skid of a tantrum, instead Adam redirected her and told her it was ok and they went swimming.

Adam says it’s not being helpful even if it’s insensitive to be honest and prevent someone or a group from hurting themselves, Adam says sensitivity and insensitivity being perceived are luxuries for when we’re cruising along with smooth seas, the captain needs to swear when we’re taking on water, he doesn’t have time for please.


“Drew’s pointing at his cock” – Adam

“so much good” – Drew

Adam and Drew have a killer back and forth as Drew points at his phone and makes a point, hilarious!



Drew has a bunch of great points about the lack of a fire under Alex’s ass, what’s going on with his generation etc.

Alex is sharing how thinly spread you feel when you must try or extend yourself to so many subjects and activities, Adam tells him to find something that flips his cookies, like working around something as opposed to trying to aim for a lofty goal or gig, don’t try to be a musician, try to work around musicians and then see where it goes.


Don’t Think Twice

Adam and Drew sing the praises of the movie and the cast


Adam is talking about journeys and how your journey could put you in the bathroom of a subway cleaning toilets, you aren’t meant to do anything with your life, it’s a journey and huge achievement is rare, not everyone can come up with Facebook.

Drew talks about his life as physician and Adam is now telling people not to lower their expectations Per Se, he says stop all the pressure and enjoy yourself, don’t listen to all of the songs and politicians.

Adam says there are 50 people who have to work for every business owner, not everyone can be the boss buy you can be the best version of you.


3rd Caller Fred, he used to play football and is now experiencing normal aches and pains and depression, he wants to attribute it to CTE and Drew asks him some follow up questions.

Drew is going over the limited treatment options and Adam is now saying he’s had his bell rung and he doesn’t think Fred has enough time under his belt to have suffered severe trauma.

Drew gives the medical reply and Fred says he has a great life and he describes the good parts of it, Adam says his depression might be normal and not related to head trauma.

Adams says you are allowed to be depressed, he says you needn’t attribute everything to a cause or as a result from something, Adam says now were doing this emotionally, what we used to call life.


True Car

Dr. Smooth transition #2 edition


Adam has some live dates and he wraps up the show.