15 Jun Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 06/07/2015 – The Adam and Dr. Drew Show 244
A real time blog where Superfan Giovanni does recap and commentary on the show as it happens and opines on all things ACS
The Adam and Dr. Drew Show
Guest – The Love Between The Two Hosts
Recorded 06-02-2015 – Release Date 06-07-2015
Production Number #244 – Brian Tee
Adam is welcoming Brian Tee to the show for his ADS debut, Adam was watching ‘The Fast and The Furious Tokyo Drift’ last night and just passed a ‘Jurassic World’ conversation with Sonny after seeing the billboards with Sonny.
Adam shares his ability to buy into the premise of Jurassic Park and the pacing of the original film, Brian tells them about shooting his part in Oahu and filming the rest in New Orleans.
Adam says he’s equally pumped about this movie, Adam got excited about the giant old fish in this one.
Adam shares how the ancient sea creatures are the most impressive and frightening element of prehistoric life.
Adam is trying to place where he was in 1993 when the original was released, the same year Drew’s kids were born.
Brian is now explaining the technology at play and Adam is praising the craftwork element of television and film production, he loves the technicians and their craftwork.
Adam mentions that Fergie is also from Hacienda Heights like Brian, Adam says his claim to fame was her hitting on him back in her ‘Wild Orchid’ days.
Adam is asking Brian how he got to where he is, he says that Hacienda Heights allowed him to focus on sports and socializing.
Adam is describing the racial diversity among his peers at his school, Brian agrees and Drew blames leadership for the racial divides in America, Adam asks Brian about his parents take on his career.
Adam says his Korean heritage is the football connection, run stopper genes.
Adam teases an interesting point.
Adam is doing a Stamps.com live read
Drew has a point about Jewish immigrants and the writer of ‘Guys and Dolls’ and now Adam is offering up some input about prestige and immigrant families and their mindsets/fears about the next catastrophe.
Drew launches into a True Car Live Read
Adam comments on every woman over 30 who talks about the guy they brought with them to not get ripped off when buying a car.
Drew’s looking for a new car, his is in the shop and is “old as shit” and now Adam is asking Brian about his work in between big movie jobs.
Adam makes note of Brian taking over the role of Shredder in the next ‘Ninja Turtles’ which will be an abysmal failure in my mind if they don’t have a Vanilla Ice cameo as a street drug dealer whose got that “Ice Ice Baby” and Brian makes note of Asian males as leading men.
1st Caller Robert, he’s a huge fan and used to be a director of medical sales and would listen to Loveline and the podcasts while on long flights.
Adam tells him to buy ‘Daddy Stop Talking’ and mentions a 5900$ watch he bought through the Carolla Amazon link.
Robert explains how he injured his knee and was told he might not need surgery due to his “stiff joints” and now Adam jokes about Brian’s “winner” brother to help diagnose this.
Adam is riffing about Brian as his husband and how much better he would do gardening, he brings up Lynette and the Roma tomatoes they’re growing that she didn’t water enough.
Brian is tapping into Adam’s dream lifestyle that he would always joke around with Drew about.
2nd Caller Steve, he wants to know if Adam has solar panels and gear setup at his various homes and if not if he can come install it.
Drew is asking for panels on the side of his house, Adam is telling them about using the Power Wall from Elon Musk to only use grid power during the off peak hours at a lower rate.
Drew is predicting that he will be blocked from this project and yet the golf course is able to waste water all day next door.
Adam is making a point about how only the person footing the bill actually cares, citing his wife wasting their 50/50 cash on electric bills.
Adam asks Brian if he’s walking around shutting off lights, he reveals his wife is the one who is responsible for the power consumption.
Adam is now doing a Life Lock Ultimate plus Live Read
Thieves are lazy edition
3rd Caller Junior, he wants to know about personality tests, he reveals he didn’t complete it and Adam riffs about that being a reflection of his personality, Adam presumes he was lazy at 26 too.
Brian says he gets it and makes note of evolving over time and how his laziness has left him, Adam is recalling how lazy he was at 26 and how happy he was as a result of a day of missed work despite needing the money desperately.
Adam is making a point about every minute spent chillaxing is a moment where projects are gathering dust, Adam is recalling how he had a lack of projects and work when he was 26.
Drew is asking how one stays productive without a heavy workload on their plate, Adam is using a complex bullet train metaphor, he has a funny “musket trains” description for American train technology.
Adam is sharing how they lined up the next set of interviews for the 2nd racing documentary while they were finishing ‘Winning’ and Drew is bringing up the way Le Mans figured into the final cut of ‘Winning’ and how he didn’t pick up on that during the previous cuts of the film.
Adam is going in depth on the experience of Le Mans and how the various speeds of the cars added even more danger past just the closed city streets used for most of the track.
4th Caller Kevin wants to know about Provigil, Drew is well versed and says that all medication presents a risk, Drew says he would rather people take Provigil than Adderall and would rather people take caffeine over Provigil.
Adam is bringing up the UFC fight from last week, Chris Weidman vs. Vitor Belfort and how Chris beat him regardless of his testosterone levels.
Adam is officially on the Weidman train it seems, he’s lacking a little knowledge of pre and post TRT Vitor, but very engaging take.
“Beat his ass for cheating” – Adam quoting Chris Weidman
Adam is pugging Brian’s upcoming films and he mentions his twitter account, nice job Brian!
I hope Brian comes back on very soon!