Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 06/06/2013 – Steve Byrne and Tyler Balliet

Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 06/06/2013 – Steve Byrne and Tyler Balliet

A real time blog where Superfan Giovanni does recap and commentary on the show as it happens and opines on all things ACS

Guest Steve Byrne and Tyler Balliet

Recorded 06-05-2013 – Release Date 06-06-2013

Production Number #1094

Show Page

Adam is opening the show with a nice paced intro and reveal that things are going so well for the network he’s received a request for a raise.

Adam is now riffing on the concept of the email request for a raise vs. the old sitcom trope of begging for a raise and BB has a nice callback to “Defending Your Life” to which they’re now recreating with an improv scene for Alison.

Alison has a great question about the appropriate subject line for the email request and Adam just revealed it was from Matt the Porcelain Punisher himself.


Adam is now riffing on the idea of Chris wanting a raise and he’s joking about the man’s penchant for eating, he’s citing all the free cupcakes that show up too, 2 batches alone with my last 2 visits.

They’re all now riffing on free T shirts and how they’ve improved over the years.


Tyler from Wine Riot is on the line and Adam is now explaining how Mangria has been featured in multiple cities for these events, Mike Lynch handling Boston with his brother, I handled Chicago and Constantino from Zorbas Pizza is handling the even in San Francisco.

Adam is getting Tyler to explain how the Wine Riot festivals work and why they’re more fun than a traditional wine tasting.

The Mangria booth in Chicago turned into a nightclub and Adam is joking about the “Mangria Grip” and how it draws people back, very true indeed!


Adam is now joking about taking a tour of a booze cellar and how he almost wished to be trapped inside, Adam is now ranting about “Bulls Blood” and calling it the opposite of “Pinot Noir”.

They’re now discussing Constantino and his “Mangria” pizza and Adam is calling for a Molotov of Mangria to be used upon the booth featuring Adam’s hated wine.

Adam is now referencing Dave the Santa Monica citizen of the year who was in the right place to stop a rape because of his status as undeliverable by Domino’s pizza.


Adam wants to get access to the “do not deliver” list for Domino’s pizza across the country and BB has an excellent question about the potential for multiple state listings for the same guy.

Adam is explaining Dave to Alison to help flesh out how he might have ended up on said list.

Bryan is sharing an anecdote to actually anti-shit on Adam’s point and Alison has a perfect one liner.


Tales from the Cheap

1st caller Carlos, he’s got a story of his dad trying to take the family to the lake to beat the heat and how he used the McDonald’s soda machine for free ice.

Adam’s got a great riff about the message this type of cheapness sends to your kids, Adam is now telling his Christmas tree horror stories.

Adam’s now on an extended IRS tangent inspired by Carlos and his profession, it’s now off into a tangent about parking meters.


2nd caller Aaron, he’s got a story of his dad the driver’s Ed instructor and Adam is stopping him to break it down as they have something in common.

Adam is going in depth on his drivers training experience and the DMV in Van Nuys “The Saddest Place on Earth”.

Aaron has some more tales about his cheap dad, everything from shower control to powdered milk, Adam is now going nuts on the topic and has a new “The More You Know” about parents who can’t afford milk and the birth control methods they need to employ.


3rd caller Steve was a bag lunch kid and was forced to reuse the same paper bag which added an extra layer of embarrassment.

Adam is now sharing about his own parents, the couple too cheap to get a divorce, he’s explaining his dad’s homemade lunches during the period of time they were living together for a year following the separation.

There some great new horrific childhood details from the Aceman, complete with generic brand food call back.


They’re back from break with Steve Byrne making his 2nd appearance and Adam is calling for a new documentary from Steve depicting the world’s drunkest messages, inspired by the intro segment.

Steve has a great name for the hypothetical documentary and Adam is now talking about Pat O’Brien and his scandalous voicemail, Adam wants to catch him in the parking lot to tell him that 50% of the room has no memory of his scandal.

BB is now playing a few seconds of the POB clips as played on the KLSX morning show, Adam is sharing the details Pat shared on the podcast last week and Adam is now riffing on the idea of all that you can get done in a drunken black out.


Alison is asking the gang about blacking out, both Steve and BB seem to tacitly admit they have and Adam as per usual never has, he’s describing his Ambien eating binges as the closest experience, hilarious reenacted reaction from Adam!

Adam is telling Alison about “always having to do the ass math” and now they’re all riffing about farting for a minute.

Adam is going off on the idea of opportunities occurring to people, he’s using the scenario of a minor bump in traffic and the possible reactions of a motorist and connecting it all back to the “nice lady” who released the tape of POB.


Steve is now telling Adam and the gang about his documentary and the footage of him performing from 2003, he’s preemptively apologizing for the material.

Adam is telling the gang what will keep one out of trouble fashion wise, he’s describing a mid-range physique keeping you modest unlike extremely fit or unfit people, nice riff.

Adam is now riffing with Steve about over compensation to make up for physical shortcomings and it’s now somehow led to an insane “I don’t look at dudes” riff that has a hilarious McConaughey twist.


Alison’s News

Her top story is an update on the Taco Bell viral photo, the employee has now lost his job and Adam is riffing about their response and has a hilarious analogy for what losing your job at Taco Bell is akin to.

Adam is now commenting on the guy’s tongue from the photo and Alison wants to know how Adam is so familiar with the appearance of cow tongue.

Adam’s got a killer riff about the Fonz and his ability to admit he was wrong.


2nd story is on the TSA dropping plans to reinstate the allowance of small knives back on commercial aircraft.

Alison is perfectly explaining the exact reasoning for why they decided to cancel the initiative.

Steve just coined “Cloud Pussy” for Adam’s idea and he’s riffing about a possible terrible situation with a small blade on a plane, BB has a funny reaction to the specificity of Adam’s scenario,


3rd story has a bonus half update, Alison is telling the gang about people who contacted her to inform her that Friends was number #24 on the writer’s guild list from last night.

Adam is clearing the air and stating he does enjoy friends, Steve is bringing up the “Wonder Years” as his costar was also on that show.

Adam is telling the gang about an IMDB top TV show list and The Man Show was beneath “The Flintstones”, Steve has an “Apt 227” reference and now they’re all riffing about Jackée Harry and the lack of 90’s “sassy sisters” in modern pop culture.


Adam is doing a live read, Alison is wrapping the news and Adam wants some Sinbad pictures with full on purple jumpsuit.

Adam is now asking Gary what exact key phrases he’s using for the google search and walking him through the pictures to find the right one.