24 May Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 05/21/2015 – The Adam and Dr. Drew Show 240

A real time blog where Superfan Giovanni does recap and commentary on the show as it happens and opines on all things ACS
The Adam and Dr. Drew Show
Guest – The Love Between The Two Hosts
Recorded 05-15-2015 – Release Date 05-21-2015
Production Number #240 – Shants of the Cameraman
Adam opens the show telling Drew about the #LOTJ Amazon contest and how they should do it on the ADS like they do on the ACS.
Adam explains the Amazon reference to Drew who claims to get it, Adam and Drew are now marveling at the changes in terminology for the woods.
Adam explains “the woods” vs. “the forest” one if for campfires and the other is for rape.
Adam is back to the jungle vs. the rain forest vs. the Amazon.
Adam says that his girlfriend was working at ‘The Rainforest Café” when the 1994 earthquake hit that led to her and her mother shacking up with a freshly diseased Adam expressing symptom from some ancient curse or virulent rash from sweaty boxing gear.
Adam is back to the concept of the contest and gets into a plug for the Newman Doc screenings and is now explaining how he got into a thing with his wife about Sonny.
Adam is telling Drew about his great day with his daughter and the bullshit people buy into regarding “exposure” and childhood education, Drew is getting Adam to elaborate.
Drew is now using a Pasadena art museum to make a point about how his kids now view their childhood experiences and wish their parents somehow forced them to experience things more.
Adam is explaining why he brings his kids with him, he’s telling Drew about his weekend trip to the hardware store to setup her new rope swing, Adam says its great having his brain and he explains he’s never built a rope swing in his life but was able to craft one immediately.
Adam says once you’ve built 500 things you can easily build the 501st, Drew is using his medical judgement to make a point about diagnostic work and Adam says it’s experience, not judgement, to Drew they seem synonymous.
Drew is telling them about Jimmy Kimmel hiring one of his sons as an intern for Jimmy Kimmel Live, Drew has nothing but praise for Jimmy via his son and how his son was able to experience the level of difficulty in work that led him to overcome his predefined limits for what was possible.
Adam is talking about free internships and they’re both praising apprenticeships in general, Adam says that he worked for free and was honored to do so when he was working at KROQ.
Adam says there is something to be learned from a complicated coffee run for an office full of people, Drew says it’s procedural and Adam says there is still something important in doing these things.
Adam says you will gain a ton out of the experience as an intern and that is invaluable.
Drew is doing a True Car live read
Adam is back to the swing and zip line upgrade, he says he explained to her that he bought pressure treated lumber and deck screws, explaining to her why they used those materials.
Adam is describing the steps he built for her zip line and even let her assist with the swing, Adam says he joked with the kids about Natalia really coming ahead with the construction know how while chiding Sonny about his lack of interest.
Later on Lynette approached Adam about shaming Sonny and he reminded her that he’s his father and it’s ok, he does want them to feel like he is the authority figure.
Drew brings up the inherent sexism of Lynette being upset about Adam comparing his two kids, citing the gender difference and Adam insists none of that was part of it.
Adam is now preaching about not feeling good about yourself to improve your overall wellbeing and self-esteem.
Adam is now plugging his new book.
1st Caller Mike, he’s a huge fan and has been listening since he was 13.
Mike is telling them about his new daughter and wants to know how to balance his free time, Drew says the answer is in the question and Drew laments his schedule when his kids were young.
Adam says he’s really stumbling upon this but in a very big way, he’s making a point about the way society is trying to merge parents into the same role, Adam and Drew are riffing about the left and their obsession with nature but refusal to accept it when it comes to human behavior between the genders.
Adam is explaining how once in a while the roles in nature are reversed and wants to know the endgame of merging the genders, Adam says that with aggression and masculinity vanishing from society along goes infrastructure and everything built by the genetic imperatives that got us this far.
Adam is explaining how his wife reported to him about the kids most recent “open house” at their kids school, he quotes his kid and their pride about their dad who works every day, Adam is telling Mike to be quiet and explaining the need for dad to be an ever present idea floating throughout their childhood while mommy is next to them by their side on a more constant basis.
Drew says he can literally never repay his wife for what she gave to him and his family by staying home to raise their kids, Drew cites how children suck the life out of mothers and they take it back to Mike.
Adam is responding to Mike and now telling Drew why women end up depleted by their children, he cites his ability to withstand the kids being upset about irrational things and how moms don’t have the same 2’s and 3’s when it comes to reactions about their kids and their wellbeing, its’ a good thing.
Adam is now doing a live read for Life Lock Ultimate Plus
“… A time when you didn’t need horse and donkey insurance” – Adam
2nd Caller Vilmer, again.
He’s been told that he gets too involved in information? He’s pragmatic? He just met his brothers.
Drew is trying to make sense of his question and unpack that information dump, Adam is still unclear.
Drew is further trying to convey Vilmer’s issue and explains that many people experience anxiety as impinging upon them.
Drew has a specific example and now Adam is sharing his love for crews on film sets, he explains how professional production companies work, Drew brings up the crab boil on the set of ‘Dawson’s Creek’ in 2003 and Adam politely moves past it.
Adam says he was told by the crew about their insane hours and workload, citing the camera men and the people who prepare lunch for the cast and crew.
Adam says that anyone in that operation who is unable to perform up to their required abilities end up fired as it’s obvious they’re holding up the operation.
Adam is complimenting the strong women he works with and how everyone in a production company is eager to bust ass and work hard so they can make it back for the next season.
Drew is back to the advice he gave his son about interning, Adam is back to how much he loves the well trained militia of crew guys and reiterated his strong feelings for the work ethic of camera operators.
Adam is talking about his piece on cameraman pants and how they must be wearing all terrain everything, Adam is riffing abort the “Shants of the cameraman.”
Adam and Drew are doing a live read for Uber
“Get Lynette signed up with Uber” – Adam
They’re now playing the video of Adam talking about Cameraman Pants, this is from an old ACS episode with Stephen Dorff.
Adam is sharing his love for Sonny and his lack of whining and shyness when it comes to meeting new adults. Drew has some funny replies he peppers Adam with mocking his repetitive phrasing.
Adam is giving out the plugs and mentions the most recent Take a Knee with Dexter Holland, Drew asks if he’s going to go for PHD.
Drew says he’s breaking the code on the future of how we’ll see illnesses, Adam jokes about putting a car in one of his homes and brings up Dexter’s great hot sauce ‘Gringo Bandito’.
They close out the show.