Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 05/01/2014 – The Adam and Dr. Drew Show 139

Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 05/01/2014 – The Adam and Dr. Drew Show 139

A real time blog where Superfan Giovanni does recap and commentary on the show as it happens and opines on all things ACS

The Adam and Dr. Drew Show

Guest – Love between the Two Hosts

Recorded 04-29-2014 – Release Date 05-01-2014

Production Number #139 Guest Host – Pat O’Brien

Show Page

Drew forgets who he is and does the standard intro, Pat is joining them and Chris is clarifying that Pat will be playing Adam.

Pat is apologizing for his vocal quality due to dental work going on throughout the week, Pat is mocking the moron who got his name on twitter.

Drew is plugging Pat’s podcast and he’s telling them about working with Wendy Walsh and now Drew is asking Pat about the recent NBA controversy.


Drew is sharing his reactions to Donald Sterling’s comments, Pat is giving his reaction and experience working behind the scene of so many games and around so many black people in professional sports.

Drew and Pat are now bringing up the reactions of white people and how either extreme reaction is racist, caring too little and making too big of a deal out of it.

Pat is telling Drew about re-reading his book “The Mirror Effect” and he’s explaining the part about parents projecting their own insecurities onto their children.


Drew is now explaining why the DSM V wouldn’t use addict or alcoholic in their terminology because it’s too stigmatizing, Drew is making a point about classism and the new forms of evil among society to fill the void of racism where it’s now absent.

Pat is now sharing how Donald’s comments scared him, the tone in which he spoke and Drew says he needs to be silenced, while stopping at destroyed and commenting on the mob mentality he doesn’t like in social media.

They’re bringing up the idea of banning Magic Johnson from a basketball game, citing his status as a legend and Pat is now sharing an anecdote from Spike Lee, Pat says he wants to hear from Larry Bird.


Drew is now doing a live read.

Pat has a killer digital scale leftover from his cocaine day’s comment, gold!

1st Caller Will, he’s a big fan of both Drew and Pat, he wants to know about Drew’s enjoyment level since starting up The Adam and Drew show.

Will wants to know if it’s therapeutic to be on a podcast, Pat is now saying he thinks he was on the first loveline with Adam and Drew from October 1995, Pat did judge the infamous Jimmy Kimmel boxing match at KROQ.

Pat is now asking Will about the reaction in Kentucky to the Donald Sterling news.


Drew is now bringing up the Jim Crow laws and their destructive effects on society and the generations who lived through them.

Pat is now joking about trying to gauge who’s more fit, him or Dr. Drew.

Drew is explaining how freeing podcasting is and the only possibly therapeutic angle is the laughter provided by Adam, which Drew says he misses when they don’t record.

They’re now going to break.


They’re back form break doing a live read.


2nd Caller Joni, she’s not there.


3rd Caller Laila, she’s gone back to school while working full time, she’s studying for the MCAT’s and has now become addicted to Adderall.

She’s going a mile a minute and Drew is getting her to stop and repeat, Drew is bringing up how pressured her speech is, he thinks she has mania, she admits to being high on Adderall, she’s firm that she doesn’t have ADD.

She’s bringing up steroids and Drew is cutting through the bullshit and asking her to ask herself why she needs a chemical to get through life, he’s now clarifying how Adderall helps people under 18 with careful monitoring and properly administered to the right patients.

Drew says he’s against psychostimulants over 18, almost completely and he’s now explaining why.


4th Caller Junior, his friend is having issues with alcohol and binge drinking, he’s explaining his efforts to find him a Spanish speaking AA program.

Pat is telling him to get the app “Steps Away” for his phone, he’s saying it has Hispanic meetings and Drew says he sees them listed.

Pat is sharing how he used the app to go to meetings while in London and Drew says that Pat taught him something important today.


5th Caller Joni, she’s back on the line and she says she finds herself being very bitchy to her husband after he’s gained weight, he’s 250 and she says she can’t take it anymore.

She can’t get past his appearance and Drew wants to know if she’s told him how she feels, Pat and Drew are both offering up some practical advice and guiding her how not to nag him.

She’s now sharing his reactions to her nagging, Drew is making a point about her behavior.


Pat says this needs to stop as it’s not going to get any better and they recommend couples therapy, Drew is telling her why and explaining why it’s uncomfortable to hear her say these things.

He’s allowing her to have her feelings without judging her but telling her why other people react to her with a bit of reservation.

Drew is wrapping up with her and doing a live read for Bark Box.

Pat is now telling Drew about some credit card fraud he was alerted to by Amazon, telling him they spotted the fraud and fixed it for him.

Drew is praising the future tech world we live in that can protect him in such ways, he has nothing to hide he says and closes the show.