Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 04/03/2015 – Ian Edwards

Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 04/03/2015 – Ian Edwards

A real time blog where Superfan Giovanni does recap and commentary on the show as it happens and opines on all things ACS

Guest Ian Edwards

Recorded 04-02-2015 – Release Date 04-03-2015

Production Number #1545

Show Page

Adam thanks the listeners for clicking through and mentions a “Free Trial of Amazon Prime” which is new, Adam jokes about Gina letting a pink cloud go after BB plays a #TopDrop in honor of Gina’s epic victory on the last episode.

Adam deflates Gina’s happiness and now Adam is asking BB about his speaking engagement at SpaceX and Adam is now commenting on how the “Gotcha” questions about the cost of groceries for politicians and how we shouldn’t want people doing hard work to waste brain space on simple things.

BB comments on showing up with his book, Adam jokes with him about bringing a different book than his own, BB says ‘Dante’s Inferno’.


Adam is talking about doing corporate gigs and how he’s cool with advertising it, he thinks it’s a job, you’re making money for doing your craft and it’s not shameful.

Adam comments on Pat Smear telling him about the ‘Foo Fighters’ moving past their era of doing them regularly.

Adam is talking about the bygone era of celebrities doing foreign commercials for quick cash and less of a credibility hit.


Adam is talking about a milestone he had while turning left on a red arrow, BB talks about driving with Adam for the first time while working at Westwood One doing Loveline.

Adam is going on about red turn arrows and the various places they used to pop up, he says they’re now even on long straight roads.

Adam is describing the people who don’t creep out before the light signal cycles, BB is backing him up and Adam is saying that these people who wait to pull out and turn left need their genitals fed to coy, Adam is describing a scene from ‘American Sniper’ and Adam says we do 0 to make people aware about when it’s ok to turn left.


Adam is asking what he should do about the drought from his car, he’s riffing about contacting the ghost of Mulholland and demanding more water from the aquafer, Adam has a killer Texas Privet reference.

Adam is giving tips on running red left turn arrows, Adam is sharing what he does with these pussies who would rather wait to die because the man tells them to.

Adam is sharing his latest move where cut in around people stopped at a red light, he describes it in detail and has another Rancho Cucafuckingmonga mention.


Adam is now ranting about the cops need to write tickets and their quotas that result in cops sitting at the end of Forrest Lawn Drive, he’s further ranting and proposing a hypothetical road trip where he is either speaking from the POV of BB or implying he would take BB’s wife Christie out in the Jag on a long drive up to the bay area.


Adam is mocking the idea of him being an insane ‘Mad Max’ “renegade” for running red left turn arrows and promises if everyone does it, that it’ll be safe and you won’t get tickets and should he ever get a ticket it will be worth it 1 million times over for the amount of lights he’s already ran.

Adam says he’s now added red lights to his repertoire and dares the pussies to bust him, he’s mocking their “Gill net” approach using radar while boasting about the superior “noble warrior with a spear” that he embodies while on the road.

“You fucking pussy cowards have to go to the Grapevine” – Adam


Adam says he will laugh and then fight the ticket and he’ll argue why it’s less dangerous for him to get moving than wait to die at an intersection on PCH.

BB and Gina seem to agree with Adam, Adam is now arguing the real word math of cars speeding by very close to parked cars.

BB brings up the movie ‘The Program’ that had a scene with kids laying in traffic, BB says it was removed from the theatrical release despite appearing tin the trailer.


Adam jokes about how then movies like ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ don’t get sued, he jokes about his son yelling at a lizard demanding it to fly, comedy gold.

Adam and Gina are now talking about the cops that hide along the various road ways looking for people speeding, Adam says that running red turn arrows is like killing a hooker, it takes a few to get used to it.

Gary is on mic and talks about doing it and the reaction you get from newbies experiencing it for the first time.


Adam is doing a Draft Kings live read


Adam is explaining that Travis the calls with his ‘Greater Than/Less than’ game and how it’s kind of a rip-off of the ‘Which Weighs More’ game from the old KLSX ACS.


Q and Ace

1st Caller Mitch, he’s com0plimenting ‘Road Hard’ and is now telling them about a famous comedian. He refuses to mention who it is and it seems to be Aries Spears though Mitch leaves few clues.

Adam jokes about this sounding like the work of Jeff Foxworthy, BB is having Gary google that shit and asks if this about DAG.

Adam is now dropping some guesses, BB presumes the company is Nike.


Adam is trying to figure out who this guest is, Aries wasn’t on the Podcast but he did guest on Classic Loveline THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2004 – GUEST: ARIES SPEARS • HOST: ADAM, DR. DREW

The “Shots to the face” – Aries, Episode

Adam has him let them guess the sketch show, Gina says ‘Mad TV’ and Adam immediately says Aries Spears, the correct guess/assumption.


2nd Caller Travis has another round of his game, he has a Pulp Fiction vs. the Bible question and a fastest speed achieved by a piston engine vs. heaviest professional female athlete follow up, Adam guess 456mph for the speed record.

Travis has another Kim Kardashian marriages vs. Wu Tang Clan using the word “Tennis” in their music, he informs they have used the term twice, she was married 3 times.


Adam is doing a dollar shave club live read


3rd Caller Andrew he likes Bald’s audiobook and says hello to Gina, he tells them about Bryan’s book making him emotional and BB jokingly calls him a pussy.

Andrew has a question about why ethnic minorities are left out of anti-drunk driving PSA commercials, he wants to know how that’s not racist to only have white people.

Adam is now arguing that not including a minority you’re actually making a far more racist move and not encouraging women, black people or Latino people from being as aware of the dangers and consequences of a DUI


Adam is making a killer point about this, he’s mocking the semi racist pricks at the Ad Council who think by leaving out other ethnicities and women will somehow give them a leg up.

Adam is mocking the idea of brand loyalty and how Isuzu is too cheap for him, he won’t be driving it now, and he drives a Jag.

Adam says he’s not drinking Shasta cola, Top Ramen nor anything else he used or bought while poor.


Adam is mocking the idiots at the ad council and closing up this brilliant rant.


4th Caller Thomas, he found out he has a 10 year old son and wants to be in his life, he wants Adam’s advice on how to be a dad.

BB asks if he knew this was his kid or not, he explains he asked for paternity test and now was served for child support payments.

Adam asks if he took the DNA test and Adam asks if he did “the crazy Maury Povich dance” and he comments about not being black, Adam tells him to cool it as Ian is waiting in the wings.


Thomas is telling them about his current wife and their agreement not to have kids, Adam is scratching that lottery ticket and digging for more.

Adam is asking about the baby mama and her situation, she has multiple kids with multiple guys.

Adam is commenting on people’s very convenient memory when it comes to past infractions, Thomas tells them about how she now claims she wanted to take the test and didn’t vanish.


Adam jokes about cock DNA being able to be pulled off of someone’s cheek, while riffing about establishing that the kid’s mom is a whore.

Adam says the good news is that this guy needs a dad, he and his wife need a kid.

Adam goes in-depth on his embarrassment and humiliation he experienced regarding his parents and their ugly behavior and appearances when compared to people like his coach with the pretty wife.

Adam says now is the time for bastards.

Gina says it’s possible he might be saving this young boys life, very profound point full of insight.


5th Caller Jamal, he wants to know the most shocking thing Adam learned upon becoming successful in Hollywood, Adam brings up the episode of ‘Take a Knee’ with Mel Brooks and the review from the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Adam says he’s found that people of success in other industries are perhaps more confident, he makes a key point about women over 40 and the lack of roles available to them.

They head to break.


They’re back from break to a listener voicemail of pure insanity.


Ian Edwards is back on the show making his 3rd appearance, Caelan fucked up the bio and Adam jokes about his marijuana affinity once again.

Adam plugs Ian’s podcast and his upcoming live dates, Adam asks him about constantly touring.

Ian tells them about writing on the show ‘Blackish’ and jokes about his skin tone keeping him from supporting the show, Ian busts out his signature “that’s hilarious” delightful!


Adam is telling Ian about talking to Terry Crews and proclaims him the king of all blacks, Ian seems to take delight in this as well.

Adam is sharing the details of a portion of their conversation, Ian is telling them about getting a house in Reseda and profiting off someone else’s tragedy losing their home.

He says he was reading about a dead writer who wrote some of the most legendary television of all time and he wasn’t aware of them, he didn’t want to be that person.


Ian is asking Adam how he started this podcast, he talks about recognizing Adam’s gamble on the industry.

Adam jokes about his family lineage of podcasters, Adam says that life is a series of “you don’t know” and you better get used to it.

Ian has a dark point about how 15 years at a job leaves you a hole you can never replace, holy shit I’m doomed.


Adam jokes about Ian’s point about their always being a need for comedians, saying there will always be a need for fat girlfriend jokes even after the apocalypse.

Ian is further painting the picture of this future horror-scape Adam’s described and now Adam is mocking adult men who gripe about losing a job at a factory when it’s outsourced and their limited amount of options to choose from, he says it’s their fault for not making themselves more versatile and honing other marketable skills.

Adam talks about working fast food and Ian is sharing his experiences, Adam is talking about the wide range of super depressing old people and young people working in fast food.


Adam is talking about a guy who was working above him at McDonalds ‘Rick’ who was the star of the restaurant, Ian is complimenting Adam even further on how he can just keep going and talk.

Ian says it’s so impressive that Adam found a way to turn his skill into a commodity even if there wasn’t an existing marketplace for it.

Adam is now commenting on the millions of conversations that we have and how trusting yourself and using your instincts is never really brought up, the importance of those things.


“Because I’m so tuned into myself” – Adam


Adam is now explaining how people ask him for advice and he doesn’t know if he’s right or wrong, it doesn’t matter shouldn’t these people have some motivation.

Ian tells them about a customer who inspired him to become a comedian, Adam is mocking his mop and sweep work at McDonalds.

BB is sharing how Adam contacted him about the podcast and bringing Teresa and him back full time, Adam is explaining how he doesn’t always think about the “what if” scenarios in life.


Adam is explaining the trapping of these “what if” experiences and Ian has another dark twist, Adam is talking about all of the sitcoms and shows he had that didn’t get picked up.

Adam is now explaining the “women aren’t funny” lie and how he answered the question honestly, Adam is arguing the biological element of men perhaps having a slightly more prevalent ratio of senses of humor.


Ian agrees and BB finally says it’s absurd to pervert the answer Adam gave into “women aren’t funny” thank you!

Ian is perplexed at why Adam took heat if he named women he found to be hilarious right after the dumb “gotcha” question the biased reported was spewing to try an entrap Adam into saying the thing he didn’t say.

Adam is now sharing an anecdote about filling a writer’s room quota and how he wants the funniest people in a writer’s room, regardless of gender or race and uses his own kids to make a point about hiring statistics and success.


Ian and Adam joke about working with rooms full of white dudes who are a “6” at best in the comedy department.

Adam says his favorite offshoot from the whole thing was when someone said they feel sorry for his wife and daughter, he now riffs about their amazing lifestyles he provides.

Ian is in agreement and says “fuck that” to the fake controversy, Adam brings up his daughter and getting some ethnicity in her, Ian takes it on another dark twist.


Adam is saying that if his daughter could check the Latina female box on her application she would get hired sooner than if she was just plain white gal, Gina suggest she just change up her last name with some accents.


Gina’s News

1st Story is on Joni Mitchell being discovered unconscious at her home, Gina says it’s unclear what the condition is and she explains the strange disorder she claims to suffer from.

Adam has a killer one liner “maybe soon they will be” about literal spiders and bugs crawling over her dead body, hilarious reaction from Ian.

Adam is asking about her condition and saying that we’re out of problems to have these kinds of skin diseases, he says whitey have invented these Epstein–Barr virus and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes, he says black people don’t have the luxury to be neurotic.


2nd Story is on the video of the NYC detective abusing an Uber driver, Gina is playing a clip of the detective yelling at the driver.

Adam comments on this cop being off duty and how the Uber driver went around him and gave him the move alerting him to use blinker next time.

Adam is sharing his “cops are criminals” theory and he says long gone are the days where cops work for us, they think they can take their attitude wherever they want.
Ian comments on the power imbalance, Ian brings up a more severe recent video and Adam says “my brother” in a hilarious way.

Adam is joking about Ian bring unfit to drive an Uber and is sharing his cops are assholes more frequently than just simply racist theory.

Gina is playing more of the video.

Adam asks if there shouldn’t be a racial outcry with this video, he says that somehow the media doesn’t put Indian people on the list of races that can be abused, Adam is asking for consistency in the outrage.


Ian says it’s cause there isn’t an Indian Martin Luther King.


Adam is doing a life lock live read


3rd Story Is an update on the cost for the official Pay per View broadcast of the upcoming Mayweather vs. Pacquiáo fight.

Adam is breaking down the deal for this bout after BB asks about the breakdown for pay, Adam is now sharing how much they’re going to make of this bout.

Ian says this is the last big boxing match of all time, it’ll be UFC after this until the end of time.


Adam is now listening to some Hi-Def a rapper who actually exists after he joked about it while Gina was going over the cost for the fight.

Adam asks Ian if the guy is any good and jokes about his use of the piccolo.


Ian jokes about the thumbs down and Adam brings up that being used on porn sites, saying the only thing worse than seeing your daughter’s anal video on a porn site would be seeing the thumbs down rankings.

Adam is now pitching a new show that Gina dubs ‘Catch a Commenter’ and Adam is riffing as the chick he escorts to the home of the commenter who down-voted her anal video, demanding to know if he masturbated and finished to it, this is comedy gold.

The reactions across the board are priceless, everyone is loving this.


Adam is now riffing about beating off into a commenters grandma’s urn, BB is in the mix helping him flesh out this improv scene a bit.

“Squirt in her urn” – Ian and Adam

Adam then suggests putting his initials in the urn, Gina wraps the news.


Adam says “cum flew from your cock what else I need to provide for you at your computer?”

Adam is saying there must be a case where this has happened with a family member.


Adam is now doing a Mac Weldon live read

Shorts under shorts edition with an assist from Gary.


Adam is hinting at some pretty cool names and possibly celebrities who might be showing up at the ‘Winning’ premier and gives out the plugs for Ian, he wraps up the show

Ian killed it again, he needs to be a regular!