Dr. Drew and Christian Picciolini

Dr. Drew and Christian Picciolini


Show Summary

Dr. Drew is in studio at the top of the show, and the guys discuss a fascinating study about psychopaths. Adam then talks with Bryan about watching the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight at the warehouse, and his jealousy seeing pictures of Kimmel and the guys on their way to Vegas to watch the fight in person. Before the break, Dr. Drew chats about the weekly podcast he records with Adam, and the guys take fan phone calls about why Adam won’t be getting his pilot’s license, who he prefers to do sound drops, and how to make boxing more exciting to watch.

Christian Picciolini is in next, and Adam talks with him about a day in the life of being a skinhead. Though it is many years in the past, Christian speaks honestly about the period of his life when he was kicking people’s asses and spreading hate. They also talk about the state of the skinhead movement today, and how difficult it was for Christian to move on with his life. Kristen Carney is sitting in for Gina Grad today, and reads a news story about Tesla’s new home battery. They also chat about a new movement of people stomping on the American flag, and a woman who copyrighted her breasts to help fight revenge porn. As the show wraps up, the guys talk about the latest between V. Stiviano and Donald Sterling, and how terrible it is now to be a rich white guy.



Click through our Amazon link to get your copy of Christian’s book:

You can also visit http://christianpicciolini.com, or follow on Twitter @CPicciolini.

For more on Kristen Carney, check out http://kristencarney.com, and follow her on Twitter @KristenCarney.

Also be sure to the listen to the Adam and Dr. Drew Show, right here on Carolla Digital.

Superfan Sidebar

Click Here for Superfan Giovanni’s recap and commentary on today’s episode.
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Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, and Matt Fondiler
Newsgirl: Gina Grad
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop

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