Dennis Quaid, Live from The Reagan Ranch Center

Dennis Quaid, Live from The Reagan Ranch Center




Show Summary

In front of a live audience at The Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, CA, Adam begins the show talking about Ronald Reagan’s birthday. He also talks about Dennis Quaid’s dog humping his leg before the show. Next, Dennis takes the stage along with Bryan and Gina to chat about his upcoming role, playing Ronald Reagan. 

The gang plays a round of The Rotten Tomatoes Game based on Dennis’ vast filmography. Next, Gina reports the news on crows in Sweden being trained to pick up cigarette butts, Domino’s pizza offering a ‘tip’ to anyone who picks up their own pizza, and a man who hasn’t taken a shower since the 1950’s. 

Lastly, Dennis joins Adam for a round of ‘Unprepared’ where they riff on the words ‘artificial intelligence,’ ‘wells,’ and ‘Egypt.’

Follow Dennis on Instagram @DennisQuaid, and visit for more info.


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Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Chris Laxamana, Gary Smith, Matt Fondiler, and Caelan Biehn
Newsgirl: Gina Grad
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop