

  [powerpress] DOWNLOAD HERE Show Summary [singlepic id=7886 w=150 float=right] Adam opens the show discussing the charity event he participated in this weekend, and the cranky couple sitting in the front row. He also chats about seeing his kids’ baseball game over the weekend, and trying to get...

  [powerpress] DOWNLOAD HERE Show Summary Adam opens the show referring to a pep talk he just gave to one of the employees whose grandmother recently passed away. Adam then talks about showing up to special events early when things aren’t ready, and discusses the death of...

  [powerpress] DOWNLOAD HERE Show Summary [singlepic id=7879 w=150 float=left] Live from the Irvine Improv, Adam opens the show complaining about the awful traffic on the way into town. Dana Gould is then brought on stage, and Adam recalls back to his days of being kept up all...

  [powerpress] DOWNLOAD HERE Show Summary [singlepic id=7868 w=150 float=right] Adam opens the show thanking a couple fans that sent in key racks to help Lynette keep track of her keys. He also talks about his upcoming appearance on Family Guy, and the frustration of dealing with animators...

  [powerpress] DOWNLOAD HERE Show Summary [singlepic id=7854 w=150 float=right] Adam opens the show glad to be done with the new book. He offers what he says is the key to success, which is to chip away at your goals one piece at a time. Adam then complains...

  [powerpress] DOWNLOAD HERE Show Summary [singlepic id=7848 w=150 float=left] Rolling Stones contributing editor David Wild sits down right at the top of the show. Adam rants about an evening at the very exclusive SoHo House, and discusses the various ways the restaurant tries to rip you off....

  [powerpress] DOWNLOAD HERE Show Summary [singlepic id=7837 w=150 float=left] Arsenio Hall joins Adam and the gang, right from the top of the show. The guys chat about why they did Celebrity Apprentice, and talk about some of their experiences on the show. Arsenio also alludes to a...

  [powerpress] DOWNLOAD HERE Show Summary [singlepic id=7826 w=150 float=right] Adam opens the show excited that Dolph Lundgren will be coming in later. He talks about his day training for the upcoming Toyota Grand Prix, and chats with Alison and Bryan about going to the gym. Alison then...

  [powerpress] DOWNLOAD HERE Show Summary [singlepic id=7818 w=150 float=right] Adam is happy to announce that ‘An Evening with Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager’ is starting to appear on the Billboard charts. He also talks with Alison about some meetings she had today, and the difficulty of getting...