Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 11/13/2017 – The Adam and Dr. Drew Show 708

Giovanni’s Superfan Sidebar 11/13/2017 – The Adam and Dr. Drew Show 708

A real time blog where Superfan Giovanni does recap and commentary on the show as it happens and opines on all things ACS

The Adam and Dr. Drew Show

Guest – The Love Between The Two Hosts

Recorded 11-09-2017 – Release Date 11-13-2017

Production Number #708 – The Ultimate White Nike

Show Page

Adam opens the show with an extended standard intro, Drew is fresh from NYC and wants to know if Adam has spent any time there in the last few years.

Adam explains he’s spent at most 17-21hrs while in NYC for all of his trips in the last few years, Adam teases his vacation with the family.

Dr. Drew talks about the new angry homeless population that’s now present there, he says the neighborhood they have is usually very friendly and neighborly, now it’s like the 1970’s and as depicted in ‘The Deuce.’


Adam talks about rules and how they change, he cites the differences between crosswalk enforcement and cab drivers in NYC vs. Los Angeles.

Adam says people act accordingly based on which laws are or are not being enforced.

Adam is explaining how cops do what the prevailing force dictates, frisking homeless people might go very badly in today’s world.


Adam is talking about losers who don’t pay their taxes of the bygone era being now called homeless people and jokes about Joan Baez writing songs about them.

Adam throws his sweat jacket down in disgust, funny “dagnabbit” comment and he brings up Garcetti telling people they need to thank criminals for serving their debt to society, Drew asks who paid the debt really and cites the costs to keep people locked up.

Adam says we’re in backwards world and he doesn’t want to be a citizen of backwards world and they listen to the clip of Garcetti blowing hard.


Adam argues for “stop and frisk” and Drew is willing to be roughed up if it will help society and Adam is telling Drew about leaving his wallet in his car frequently, he got to an office in Burbank and was asked for identification, luckily the guy was a fan and recognized him but he would have had to walk back to his car.


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1st Caller Anthony, he’s calling from Baltimore and is “busting Drew’s balls” about him not supporting Adam’s rants about L.A. enough.

Drew tells Adam about Howard Stern busting his balls about some old MAD Magazines that Drew gifted to him, Adam says he shouldn’t have done that, only the intent matters.

Drew is laughing his ass off about Howard suggesting he should send him his used toilet paper.


Anthony is talking about the parking laws regarding in Pasadena prohibiting parking between 2 and 4am.

Adam is telling Drew about working on the sizzle reel for the KROQ and he makes note of how many black and white pictures were still being taken in the 90’s.

Drew says it was because it was so much cheaper, Adam is marveling about this cost saving measure.


Drew recalls the differences in cost between color and black and white and explains it to Adam.


2nd Caller Jillian, she’s a huge fan who has been listening since she was in High School, she explains she’s 30 and she’s frustrated with her physical health.

She says she’s sick a lot and asks about the Adverse Childhood Experience quiz, Drew lists some of the possible types of abuse and Jillian gives them some of her history.

Adam is realizing the worst thing we can do is make people feel like victims, he makes a point about neglect and illness for attention and Drew explains how the immune function is a physiological element of it.


Drew suggests she seek out a trauma therapist, she’s been through 3 of them and she says nothing changes.

Adam says he’s also learning and realizing that the “verbal positive, act as if” element of life is much more powerful than we give it credit.

Adam talks about singing “Olga, chopping onions, cha cha cha” when he gets home, to be fun and make her happy, he also will tell the kids about their dog and remark on how great he is.


Adam shares his super positive and appreciative interactions with his kids, he says he’s walking around being a cheerleader, BS’ing everyone into positivity.

Adam says if it doesn’t work then you’re simply the person looking around saying “isn’t this great” and he moves one.


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3rd Caller Nick, he brings up the story that’s breaking on Louis C.K. and his sexual harassment/assault accusations.

Adam says he doesn’t know if it’s true and he jokes about hoping that every celebrity ends up in jail, and they joke about Adam assaulting Drew.

“come here cow, I need some cream for my coffee” – Adam on what he used to say to Drew when groping his penis.


Adam riffs about being the only comedian left, he transitions to riders and how Eddie Griffin demands a new pair of white Nikes for every show.

Adam says “hey watch me beat off in my hotel room” is the ultimate white Nike, Adam says it’s a power play and Drew says from the men he’s treated it is 100% power.

Adam says the way he’s wired the Nike request is way more out of line than the beating off, they move on.


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Adam is giving out the plugs after aborting an explanation of who “The Stoned Pelican” is, Drew gives out his plugs and they wrap up the show.